Groups and Organizations
The United Nations Human Rights Treaties |
Foster Parents Plan | American Civil Liberties Union |
American Friends Service committee | Amnesty International |
Carmen Lobby Group Tajikistan organizations
Action for Agricultural Renual in Maharashtra (AFARM) Action for Agricultural Renewal in Maharashtra (AFARM) is a voluntary organisation formed for the collective benefit of the voluntary organisations through their own collective actions. Born out of an acute felt need for an apex institution to co-ordinate efforts of the voluntary organisations in their task for providing drinking water to villages, AFARM today provides a forum for interaction amongst its members and for the interaction between its members and other funding and developmental organisations including Government for all round NGO development
Cultural Survival is the leading U.S.-based international indigenous rights organization. |
Pembina The Agency for Accelerated Regional Development ( abbreviated as AFARD) is an indigenous voluntary, non-for-profit and non-denominational organisation formed in July 2000, by experienced and committed development professionals, for the purposes of promoting participatory and endogenic development in the West Nile region of Uganda. Legally, AFARD is registered as a Non-Governmental Organisation with the National NGO Board (Registration No S.5914/3753 – now renewed); and with the Registrar of Companies as a Company Limited by Guarantee (Registration No 45170). The motivating forces for the formation of AFARD were: first, the west Nile region is the poorest in Uganda with six in ten people living below US$ 1 a day.
Second, many development interventions have been ‘external to local context’ and imposed thereby leaving dysfunctional structures and a people hardly changed.
Third, ‘democratic centralism and machination’ by government made the people subjects and not citizen of the state.
And, finally, the regional human resource flight limits new innovations and enthusiasms to work for self development.
Thus, without resigning to despair, we believe that the region can, and indeed should, develop at a faster pace; and that any meaningful development should be endogenous and an integral function of both improved well being and people’s empowerment.
Aang Serian (the name means ‘House of Peace’ in Maasai language) is an independent, non-profit organisation founded in March 1999 by young people in Arusha, Northern Tanzania.
bienvenidas y bienvenidos aBiodiversidad en América LatinaAcción por los Niños, es un Organismo No Gubernamental peruano que tiene por finalidad desarrollar diverso tipo de iniciativas de Protección y Promoción de los Derechos del Niño. Doctors without Borders |
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